To BD again or not? Help!

So. I’m on CD 32 and haven’t ovulated yet, when normally, I would be starting another cycle by now. I’ve been a little crampy today, and I got (yet another) positive OPK this afternoon. In the last two weeks, I’ve had 4-5 nearly positives or positive OPK’s, but my temp never rises to confirm ovulation. It’s been very frustrating! So today, hubby and I baby danced after I got the positive OPK, but for whatever reason, he pulled out! I was so upset! I cried! My question is, should we go ahead and BD tonight or wait until tomorrow? He’s on anti-anxiety meds, and I was assured by the doctor that it wouldn’t affect his sperm count or anything, but I’m nervous about that. I don’t want to hurt our chances even more by not waiting a little while before having sex again.