6/7 days late and negative test.... is that normal ?



Is it normal to keep getting negative tests when you’re this late? I’m so confused on why I’m getting negative results. Can someone shed some light onto their experience?

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I’m 12 days late and all BFN. My doctor said it’s most likely just the removal of my IUD and that I’m not pregnant though. He said if I’m still getting BFN and no AF to make an appointment when I miss my 2nd period. It sucks but remember you’re not out until you get AF.


ma • Oct 28, 2018
Did you have hormonal or copper? I had mirena. I got a first period it was 4.5 days long started off 1 day light 2 days heavy 1.5 days spotting. Almost “textbook” when people say normal period but my dr said it may be like when I first got my period and it was irregular. So I guess we’ll see. Well just practice in the mean time I suppose lol. Baby dust to you that this is it since you’ve been pretty regular :)


La • Oct 28, 2018
Mine has been out for 4 months and my cycles have all been pretty regular (between 28-35 days) up until now


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I’ve read that it could be because you ovulated later than you thought.