Clomid Success Stories?


Hi All! I finally asked for help from the Doctor. After my MC in September 2017 my husband and I have been TTC at any moment we could. However there were times where the ovulation sticks were hard to understand i.e. it seemed like there were months I didn’t ovulate at all.

Yesterday I went in and talked to my doctor. He stated that my weight could be an issue (which I understand and it’s something that I am jumping on right away) but it could’ve been a number of other reasons - I was prescribed Clomid.

I (obviously) Googled this drug but mostly every response was from the early 2000’s. I wanted to reach out here to see if any of you had any luck with Clomid.

I’m scared and hopeful at the same time, guys. We want to start growing our family but I feel discouraged by the memory of the miscarriage.

Thank you all!

**UPDATE 1/3/2019**

Still no baby. Next week should be the sign of whether we conceived or not. Took a pregnancy test but I’m 8 days out so not sure if it would even show. Very discouraged and sad. 💔