Every good little Italian Girl makes her own pasta


That is when she has time. And yesterday I found time and decided I would use the gourmet pasta press attachment that I got from my loving husband for Christmas last year for my KitchenAid mixer! And let me tell you it had it’s moments but in the end it was 100% successful!

I used the basic egg noodle recipe located in the instructions which calls for:

4 large eggs,

3 1/2 cups of sifted flour

1 table spoon of water

1 tea spoon of salt

You combine your ingredients in your mixer bowl you start out with the paddle attachment for 30 seconds then switch to dough hook and run it for another 30 seconds then after you take the dough out placing it on your counter or cutting board and kneed the dough for 30 seconds to a minute or until your dough reaches the right consistency.

From there you remove your mixer bowl and attach the pasta press with what ever size pasta you prefer I choose the fusilli pasta but there’s a lot to choose from. You roll your dough into walnut size balls and put them into the press. I found that you can put as many as 4 dough balls in at a time and if the dough doesn’t seem like it’s going through the machine fast enough there’s an attachment that it comes with to push the dough through.

I enjoyed making the pasta and just like everything else there is a learning curve. Like when making the dough I had to use more water then what it called for because it was grainy. But other than that I really love my pasta press attachment!