⚡️Fighting With Spouce⚡️

I’m exactly 7 weeks today. I’m worried however. My partner and I had a huge blow out last night. Tears, screaming. I even threw my phone at him. Twice. This is unusual for me but he wasn’t listening and he was rewriting what I was saying and screaming it back to me. I was furious he was putting me in this position in the first place. It all revolves around issues he has with my mother, whom I am extremely close to. He puts me in the middle, is very judgmental, and can’t help but shit on me in the process. Ive asked him to take it to therapy, to make extra effort to keep a calm environment for us and our new growing baby. Clearly, he’s incapable of this. I’m scared my heightened cortisol levels are effecting baby and may cause miscarriage. Is anyone else fighting with their spouse? How on earth do you cope? Is this normal? Is baby ok? Thanks!!!!!