Needing advice for helping him deal with my irrational emotions!

Erin • 30, married 11/24/18, baby boy born 4/30/19!!!

Hey all! So I'm pregnant with my first child, my fiance and I are getting married in one month. So being 13 weeks prego, I'm still dealing with the hormones and outbursts of emotion and therefore I seem to cry A LOT more than usual. It's to the point now, if I cry at something he says to me (intending to be funny but really just hurts my feelings bc I can't seem to take a joke right now) all he can do is laugh! And I can't blame him, at this point I'm sure he just has no idea how to deal with this - I'm not typically a crier so this is new for both of us. But at the same time, it pisses me off that he laughs when I cry. Don't get me wrong, I laugh right along with him, then revert right back to crying bc he's laughing at me! 🤣🤣🤣 I know how ridiculous this is and I'm praying I can get my emotions better under control as I enter the 2nd trimester. But I think he's at a loss for how to handle me. And I'm starting to feel like we're becoming more distant bc of it. It's not just the crying - I'm moody all the time and every little thing he does annoys me right now. So I'm sure I'm just pushing him away. But idk how to stop this! Does anyone have any advice for how to better manage the emotions and help him understand how to better handle them with me? I feel like I'm being such a bitch to him, but then get upset that he seems to be insensitive and distant! Lol this is ridiculous! Help please!!!