Getting tired of it


My brother is going to make me lose my mind, literally. He has become more rude, careless/selfish, smart-mouthed, and more entitled in the past year than anyone else. He is 13. Yes I know a lot of it is hormones. But this is too much. And my parents do little to nothing about it. They threaten to take electronics away, pop him in the mouth, take him off the basketball team, etc. And they never go through with any of it. The last time he had something taken away was for maybe a month. At his age, I got smacked and slapped by both parents until I did what my parents wanted. I got shit taken away all the time. My parents would tear my stuff down, throwing screaming cussing fits. I was told "NO!!!!" constantly. I was not allowed to hang out with friends, listen to music, and a bf was totally out of the question. He, on the other hand...hangs out with 2 shithead boys (they can be good kids, yes but they have no rules, both boys' mommas let them say and do as they please), listens to rap music with the f-word and the n-word literally every other word. He is hardly ever told no. My parents baby the crap out of him. He can fully operate a Nintendo Switch and almost any Apple device presented to him, yet he cannot (actually it's probably WILL NOT) do his own laundry, wash dishes, etc. He is rude and hateful to me every single day, yells, and claims he didn't do anything every time we fight. He is going to be even worse now that he's on the basketball team at school. My parents know all this frustrated me but they don't care. They had him at the doc within TWO days for tendonitis in his knee and literally the doc did was tell them to put a knee brace on it. It took me a MONTH (twice because the sores came back!!!!) for me to get my mom to take me for sores on my feet that wound up being infected with CELLULITIS. I almost lost my feet. There is nothing I can do, I'm his sister. Any ideas, help? I am 21, yes I know it's sometimes weird for a seemingly grown woman to be living with her parents but this seemingly grown woman is also broke bc her parents act like she doesn't need the money she works her ass off for. Help🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄