Baby shower Woes

So my friend is having a baby and I’m super excited. She wants me to plan and host her baby shower along with another friend.

However, I don’t have the money to throw a baby shower but don’t mind contributing towards some stuff. The issue is, the other friend keeps coming up with expensive “extravagant” ideas that I cannot afford. She knows this and quite frankly does not have the money to spend on these ideas as well. She plans things on her own but then comes to me with pricing and what my portion would be. I have clearly set boundaries I stated what I can and cannot do. Apparently, it doesn’t make a difference.

Long story short, I am being slightly selfish because my “friends” did not attend my baby shower two years ago (due to distance so I won’t hold that against them) nor did the send me a gift. While I am a little resentful, I thought I moved past it because it never actually bothered until I was asked to be responsible for the baby shower. I didn’t want to let my friend down so I told her I will help but I can’t be financially responsible for the entire thing because I can’t afford it. So I’ve been asking other fiends/her family to help but no one is willing to.

Idk what to do. It’s starting to stress me out. Am I being a bad friend? What advice do you have?