Disgusted with my fertility clinic..is this email to them too harsh?

Thank you for your call on Friday, unfortunately my phone had died and by the time I got back to you the clinic was closed. The more I think about my experience at your clinic the more upset I get. There seems to be a laundry list of things that were not done properly in my eyes. I was told by Dr. Batres that he thinks it’s my hormones, but no one ever checked my hormones to prove his theory. I feel my hormones need to be checked since he "thinks" it is a hormone problem, so we can check that “theory”.
They did not check my LH levels at each ultrasound, they only measured my eggs twice- half the time they couldn't even see my left ovary. They did not check my progesterone levels at day 7 after my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, they didn’t offer to do the day 14 HCG.  I have not been well informed on how to use my meds and as a result I took the progesterone too soon, then I was told to stop and just see what happens. They did not explain what would/could happen and still did not schedule a progesterone test at day 7 to make sure it was normal! This shows lack of respect and inability to do their job and for me as a person.  I was not told what to expect and I did not appreciate the comment in the hallway about the donor sperm. I have felt disrespected and feel like this clinic has been very unprofessional! I don't even know if I ovulated!! Again, no one tested that!! What is the point of the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> if my LH is low or my progesterone isn't right!?! I feel like I have been taken advantage of by my money being taken when they don't even know if I released an egg or knowing what they issue is to begin with. I trusted you all to guide and direct me, it shouldn’t be the other way around.
They could have told me that they found a problem and the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> isn't going to work this month, but they didn’t even check me to see what the problem is. Shouldn’t they get my LH up or my progesterone right first? Right now I still don’t know what the problem is and if I am pregnant what kind of testing on my hormones are they prepared to do to make sure I don't miscarry? Are they going to do ultrasounds and labs after the positive for a few weeks? Most OBs won't get you in before 8 weeks (I’ve never had a pregnancy make it that far) and if that is the case then I need to know why I have lost so many!
I am not ignorant to this and have had 13+ years of infertility. Also I know how my friends experiences were and how they are tested and diagnosed with a problem. I haven't even been tested enough to know why I can't get pregnant. I have just been told opinions! I want to know why and how to fix it!! I am paying around $1500 out of my own pocket just to be treated like I am nothing and no one. Me not having an insurance policy that covers infertility does not mean I am unimportant or trash that doesn't work! I work very hard for everything I have! I will and have already fought for the child I want and have prayed for all these years! I understand that you all see many women each day, but that does not mean that one woman’s fertility issues are less important than another. Fertility issues put a strain on every aspect of my life and being made to feel like I don’t matter makes the stress even worse.
I wonder how many other women have come through the clinic and due to lack of knowledge were unaware that they were getting the bare minimum treatment? I feel like once Dr. Batres did my cd 4 ultrasound and went on vacation that I instantly became unimportant due to the fact that I was not a patient of Dr. Moutos I was an inconvenience to him and as little as possible was done for me.
Having a child has been my dream and trying to have a child has now become my nightmare. No woman should put so much time, effort, money and emotions into trying to conceive. We give our bodies and trust over to a doctor and then to be made to feel like their feelings and dreams are NOTHING. Dr. Moutos doesn’t lay awake night after night crying his eyes out I do! He doesn’t get sick to his stomach at the jealousy he feels from seeing so many friends any family members pregnancy announcement’s I do! He doesn’t hate himself for not being able to just get pregnant I do! I have put my trust in him to help me try and finally make my dreams a reality just to have him make me feel like a worthless piece of crap, this is beyond uncalled for! Is it because my husband and I are an interracial couple or does he simply not care about our situation at all due to us not being patients of his? Either way this is my life, body and money that all is being completely disregarded!