Wacky symptoms or more?


Alrighty so I'm just doing this to get it out of my system so I dont get overly excited or worried or impatient

So yesterday when i was in the restroom I wiped and there were small (when I say small I mean real small) streaks of blood in my CM. And it was very 'slightly' pink. But it was extremely thick and white at the same time. There were little chunk bits in it, no smell or odor. It even stopped by the end of the day.

Now I was all like "nice my periods gonna come today" well it did not come yesterday.

Then I woke up this morning and I was like okay it's definitely gonna come today. Then I use the restroom, do the thing, and then theres no blood in my CM. again I was like alright wtf. I havent had much CM today since I've been laying down.

Usually when I "spot" all of the mucous is either dark brown or light red. So then I know my period is coming.

But not only that my nipples hurt like absolute hell. If you even slightly touch them they are sore. I've also been extremely hungry all day and night. (Im talking like I can't sleep at 12-2 in the morning because I'm so hungry). Even as we speak I'm munching, im hardly EVER hungry. I definitely thought extreme hunger was a period thing

Here's the catch

My cycle is a little wacky in length. Its between 27-37 days long. But usually <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> is pretty accurate for the most part. 'Technically' according to the app it's already 2 days late, with my cycle average being around 31 days. A couple of times it reached 37 days (I almost thought I was pregnant on these ones because I was like jeez man wtf)

Should I wait to take a test until my cycle hits 37 days, or should I just give it a whirl now just to see??