Trying to make a gift for my hubby, BUT I need your help!

Cassity • Laila 05/15/17, Xander 4/10/18, and Grace 11/06/2019

So the other day I walked in on my husband changing the baby in the nursery. I look at him and notice I caught him with tears rolling down his face. He tries to never cry in front of me. He told me sometimes he just gets really sad. Which i can resonate with because i was just diagnosed with moderate to severe depression, severe anxiety, and severe ptsd. So i want to do something to get his spirits up. I have an idea I saw online and i want to do it but i need help.

But instead, I want it to say:


Cassity's love for you has made it all the way to (your location)!"

Just write this note down on a sticky note, index card, piece of paper, whatever. And then take a picture of it. I'll print them and create a book for him to look at when he's sad.

Thank you all so so so so much! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤