Toxic Friendship or no?


So ever since I became friends with this person (we’ll call her E) I feel like I’ve become a worse person and have been moodier and more judgmental. But she was pretty nice (most of the time) and we both liked the same music. That’s where the similarities end. She always bashed my religion and my views whenever I mention them and one time threatened to end our friendship over a small comment where I said that reading the Bible made me happy. She talks bad about my other friends and said that she wished that a freshman and her friend would “choke and perish” (wtf?) because the freshman got offended when E made false accusations about her race. She gets mad whenever I have an opinion different from hers or that I make a dry joke that she doesn’t find funny. She says she loves all races but she fetishizes Koreans and gets mad when I try to talk to her about my feelings about guys at our school. I feel like her whole life revolves around Kpop and one male celebrity in particular and she shuts down any other conversation. Since we’ve been friends(end of my freshman year), I feel like I’ve grown ruder to my family and I’ve started judging people more. She forces me to text her and makes me feel bad when I don’t and says she’s depressed and feels like no one like her and she gets melodramatic a lot but I don’t like texting, especially when I’m forced to, because no one has ever texted me before so I just don’t like it and I’m pretty introverted- when I get home after socializing all day at school, I don’t want to talk to (or force myself to) anyone except family the rest of the day. Also I don’t like always talking about Kpop because I like a lot of other things as well, but she gets mad whenever I talk about them. For example, I really like Marvel and their movies, but if I mention it she says I talk about it all the time and she says it’s annoying.

I guess the questions I’m asking are: is this a toxic friendship and should I stop being her friend? If so, how should I? I don’t want to hurt her feelings because I don’t like hurting people at all.