Tmi question!!

Anybody else experiencing a different smell down there? I shower twice a day cuz I stay outside at least 6 hours of my shift but I feel like down there always has a funky odor. Maybe it's just me.
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Any weird discharge color? Bacterial infections are more prone to occur during pregnancy so see if you have any other symptoms. It should not have a foul odor at all if you're not infected. 


Kendra • Aug 12, 2015
Yes I am experiencing this! My body odor is different , plus it's summer, plus I have razor sharp smell, combo of all 3 making me crazy haha


Posted at
Yep! Mine is just different and I feel like it smells strong after I've been outside--it was one of the first things I noticed that made me take a test!


Posted at
It might just be your "spidey senses" kicking in. I swear I smell everything now! Not fun!


Posted at
You prob have bacteria vaginosis which is common while pregnant. semen also changes our PH balance to cause it 


Posted at
I do. It's not a bad smell...just different.