High fluid levels?

Britney • Isaiah William 9/9/15! ♡♡

So I went in today for my 36 week appointment.. my midwife did the fundal height and thought I was measuring small so she sent me down to get an ultrasound done to see how baby is measuring exactly..

Baby is measuring on time at 36 weeks and he is 6lbs 8oz right now.. cool beans glad baby is good...

Then I get a call from the doctor about an hour later saying that my fluid level is at 29 and want me to come in twice a week to check my fluids and monitor baby.

What could happen if the levels rise more? My one friend just gave birth 2 months ago and they induced her with high levels of fluid when it got to 30.. just a little worried and want to find out if anyone else has been/is in my shoes.