Weaning breastfed baby


I’m not stopping yet, since my boobs are the only thing that helps my son with anything! But when it comes time in a few months, I wanna be prepared. I’m his comfort and food. Tried supplementing formula and pumped milk for a day to see how he would do and it was MISERABLE. I have no idea how much he’s suppose to eat, I was making two bottles within an hour. He wouldn’t keep the binky in his mouth long enough to calm down, it was so hard to keep him happy! He did sleep a little longer which was nice sometimes, but it was hard to get him asleep like it upset his tummy. I can only imagine the longer I breastfeed, the harder it’s gonna be to stop. So idk what to do and how to go about it. My original plan was to breastfeeding until he starts solids at 6 months, really don’t wanna go a year, my main issue is the teeth lol. So please tips would be appreciated!!