Contractions & 26 weeks

Just a brief history before I get into what took place earlier tonight... I delivered my son at 34 weeks and my daughter at exactly 40 weeks...
I was on my way to work when suddenly out of no where my eyes started rolling side to side super crazy fast I couldn't see, it felt like someone had just shaken the tar out of me, then my head fell to the left and I felt completely weak. I couldn't control what was happening. By the time I pulled over my vision had started to fade and I became weaker by the second I felt like I was on the verge of passing out. After this passed, strong consistent contractions started I had 10 within 45 minutes. But by the time I got to the hospital and got into the little triage room  it stopped. I felt so stupid because it looked like I had been lying.. baby is doing good thankfully. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else??