Uncooperative teacher rant 🤬


My son is in Kindergarten and throughout the school year which literally just started there has been some issues with his teacher. First, I needed some kind of proof that my son was in school for his insurance. So I emailed the teacher and ask if she can print out his schedule and send it with him or if I had to go to the school to the main office, etc.. No response, so I called the main office which they said they’ll send it with my son, a week passed by and it never came, somehow the teacher didnt put it in his bookbag. After that, I’ve called her room extension several times about wanting to set up a meeting with her about this weekly test my son keeps getting wrong but when I ask him the words and all of that at home he understands correctly so I want to know exactly what he’s getting wrong, so I get it that she has her own schedule and is busy so I called different days at different times and nothing. She also has an app set up for the parents of her class and she can always posts things but never answer me? 🤔 Anything I need I have to go through the main office and they speak to her then to me, I can never get in contact with her directly. Now recently my son was sick so he was out but I had the excuse notes. I put them in his folder for school, the following days the note was still there and then one day it wasn’t. So today when he came home from school I got a letter saying that he had too many absences, when I clearly sent the notes so? I met his teacher on orientation day, and that was it. Idk whether she’s like this with every parent or what her issue is but I’m fed up of having to go back and forth with the office instead of just reaching her directly and I don’t think I should have to go to the school all the time to drop off or pick up paperwork when she can just put it in my sons book bag & all. Since all next week they’re off I have to wait two weeks to call the office and demand a meeting with her, I’m more than fed up.