HELP ME *update*


I've been dating my my boyfriend for a little over a month and I have some issues. I've never been the type of person to enjoy affection... I don't really like being touched but he's my boyfriend so it's OK. I've noticed that whenever we kiss I don't feel anything... He definitely does, he pulls me closer by the waist or shoulders... I just kinda go along with it but I don't enjoy it or hate it. I don't really know what to do... I like him as a person, he's great and super sweet, he's the type of person anyone would love to have as a partner... I'm not asexual, I have sexual desires but I can't see it. I just really don't know why I'm like his. I don't wanna hurt him because he matters to me, a lot. But he definitely deserves someone who will treat him as he deserves. I don't know what to do.