Rocks= Rifles? *Update



We had a topic about the caravan of migrants/refugees the other day... Now Trump has commented on the fact that there was some confrontation when the group crossed into Mexico.

I am scared of what will happen when this group reaches our border because our government has mishandled perceived threats in the past with deadly results. For example, the Branch Dividians in Waco, TX.

So the question is- how should we as a nation handle this? Has anything similar ever happened in history in other countries that we can learn from?

This issue needs some real solutions, and fast, because I fear if 1 shot is fired, we may have a disaster take place.


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Posted at
If someone attacks you, they are a threat and you 100% have the right to defend yourself with a firearm. If you dont want to get hurt, don't go starting fights. It's really simple.


L • Nov 5, 2018
Well they're not refugees. Theyre people trying to become illegal immigrants. They dont want asylum, they were offered it by other countries and refused. Theyre invaders and they are fine with using violence and deadly force to do so. Being hit with a rock CAN kill you.


Erica • Nov 4, 2018
I mean, theres plenty of videos. They arent refugees. They dont want asylum. They rules of asylum says you need to get it in the first country you can get to that grants it. Mexico did. They dont want asylum. They want the economy. Which is fine, but they have to do it legally. Not invade our country violently


Erica • Nov 4, 2018


Posted at
Seems like Trump is changing his there is talk of setting up tent cities to house asylum seekers. At first he was adamant they're not getting in. Instead of Soldiers, perhaps we should send more people who can process them because thats going to be a big crowd.


Erica • Nov 4, 2018
Hes putting up tents with air conditioning to hold them until their "asylum" trial. Hes literally housing them, and feeding them. But yes, concentration camps. What a joke. So basically, just let them violently invade our country because they want too? They arent seeking asylum. And damn near every time they come in, seek asylum, and are given an asylum court hearing and are told to show up for it, they just take off into the US and never show up. So theyre running around illegally, and it hurts our economy. If they actually wanted asylum, it would be different. But thats not what they want. They just want to come here because of our economy, which is fine. But they need to do it legally like everyone else has too.


yo • Nov 4, 2018
Tent cities aka concentration camps i say he should live in the tent city and see if its humane


Posted at
I wish for ONCE he would take responsibility for this words instead of saying “I didn’t say that”. I also wish for ONCE his supporters would actually agree that he said something shitty instead of crying “fake news”, “thats not what he meant” and “it was taken out of context”. That’s a perfect world though, he’s to proud to admit he did something wrong.


Kr • Nov 3, 2018
Exactly! When there is clear evidence he said something because it’s been RECORDED. I’m just baffled with the state of the United States is in. There is so much hate and division right now.


Kristen • Nov 3, 2018
I wish for once his staff wouldn't defend what he said that he clearly meant by adding more filler to his tweets...... I feel like HE is the one creating all this "fake news" because he says something then walks back on his statement, says the opposite, claims the original was a lie and adds clearly false "facts" that I'm sure he fully believes are true to make everything sound better.


Posted at
Hit the right spot and you can seriously injure someone with a rock. I said it in the last post, they have a right to seek asylum, and the us should start that process. However, if they come us like they did Mexico, that is not peaceful and it will not end well. If you want better, you have to be better.


Posted at
We should have judges and attorneys and public service officials there to process the asylum if people present a valid case. Every country has a budget for humanitarian crisis and helping the refugees. It’s not the first time and it’s not going to be the last time.


Posted at
I mean comfrontation at the mexican boarder is to be expected. Mexico doesnt play that illegal immagrant ish like we do. -Mexico, nearly 90 percent of asylum requests are denied (and the figures are similarly high for other Latin American countries, such as El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala).-Article 37 of Mexico’s General Law of Population, we learn that their Department of the Interior shall be able to deny foreigners entry into Mexico, if, among other reasons, they may disrupt the “domestic demographic equilibrium.” Additionally, Article 37 also states that immigrants can be removed if they’re detrimental to “economic or national interests.”-A report this year from Amnesty International concluded that “Mexican migration authorities are routinely turning back thousands of people from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to their countries without considering the risk to their life and security upon return, in many cases violating international and domestic law by doing so.”Mexican boarder control is alot harsher than any american boarder patrol. Just saying.


✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Nov 3, 2018
Not to make a joke of it but i get pissed off when i have to turn around bevause i forgot to grab something in the store after being in target for 1 hour. I coukdnt imagine walking hoping theyd show mercy only to b told no.


✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Nov 3, 2018
Probably out of frustration. Actually most likely oit of frustration. They had been walking thousands of miles only for 90/of them to be toldto go back.. I be 90%of them were furious


Ch • Nov 2, 2018
Thanks for the info. I was curious why they'd be throwing rocks at border officials but that sheds some light on it.


Posted at
Trump is making up things, because he wants people to be afraid and fearfull, because then when he makes a crazy decision nobody will be against it, because they belive all the shit he said ablit them and for some crazy reason trust the fucking lies out of his nouth. I just saw a segment on the news about this exactly. Mind you Im from Germany, so the news can be trusted. Trump is loosing his popularity and the polititians from his parti that used to support him changed their minds and so he will not be able to controll so much after a vote in his parti soon. So he is trying to ise the immigrants to get suppprt back on his side, by spredding fear and fake rumors about them. If that mekes scence. Its kind of hard to translate it in English.


🌵 • Nov 5, 2018


Erica • Nov 4, 2018
You still never answered what your going to do when you end up being wrong. Lol.


🌵 • Nov 4, 2018
I can do houres of research and write whole books about my opinion, but I dont want to and right know I just want to enjoy my birthday and stop arguing about something you cant change anyway


Posted at
While this is dangerous and outrageous talk, it’s just that, talk. Trump can’t command any soldier to do anything, his orders are passed down through actual military officers who will use their best judgement. So be somewhat hopeful for that. I think the biggest take away from this, is how desperate and scared Trump seems to be leading into this election. It feels like he’s looking for a Hail Mary and is pulling out all the stops to try and sway people. Stupidly, the people who would respond positively to such rhetoric, were never in jeopardy of not voting red. Between his handling of this situation (threatening to send 15,000 troops to fight roughly 3,500 asylum seekers....and sending them an estimated month before their border arrival...) and the behavior during his latest rallies, as well as the slam ad for democrats he released the other day, he just really seems like he’s losing it. I’m trying not to get too hopeful, because I felt this comfortable and confident in 2016...but it just feels like he’s acting crazy, even for him.


Posted at
Idk all the laws about seeking asylum and I’m not gonna pretend to but from what I gather they’ve been told they won’t be allowed and if you want to enter a country don’t throw rocks at its military 🤷‍♀️- rocks may not be equal to rifles but it’s still a weapon and we have every right to shoot if they try using violence.


Erica • Nov 4, 2018
They have to get asylum in the closet country that grants it. Which, mexico did. They dont want asylum, they just want the economy, which is fine. But they have to do so legally, not force their way in and hurt the economy more by coming in illegally.


Posted at
Mexico offered many of them asylum and they didn't take it, they don't want asylum they want a free ride and frankly people in Texas are terrified of them coming into our towns


Erica • Nov 4, 2018
My friend is hispanic, and lives in McAllen, and they are also terrified because they know that this wouldnt even be possible without the help of the cartel.