Baby wont sleep

Jordyn • Mrs.JSkoyen Farm wife 🚜🐾🌻🌾🌞 SAHM ❤ #coffeeobcessed #winelover #mamatomany

Hello, my name is jordyn I have a 7 month old son! He is such a blessing to my husband and I! He has been a really good baby other then he has started not to sleep and I think I'm going to loose my mind 😳😬 you name it I have asked it, researched, everything. He is on a routine everything I have read says that's the most important thing! He gets a hot bath after dinner and is asleep about 7 and wakes up about 2 hours latter and crys and it takes about 2 more hours to get him back to sleep and after that he will wake up about 1-2 hours latter and so on! By 4: 30 he's up for good until nap. HELP!!! Am I doing something wrong, is this normal, I'm starting to feel like a horrible mom cause I can't get him to sleep at night