PCOS, Ovulation, and Pregnancy

Ok so here goes. I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 14. I had l very irregular cycles and my hormones and insulin were crazy, not to mention overweight. (Oh and never had a cyst show up on an ultrasound either) I tried metformin but couldn't handle the side affects. I stopped any and all treatments at 17. Well, fast forward to this year,  28 and giving it all a go again because me and my fiancé want a baby so bad. But everything is different now. My periods are more frequent but last longer (more like spotting than actual bleeding), my hormone and insulin levels are in normal range, and I still do not have a visible cyst. I'm also still overweight. Well my doctor put me on BC to control the bleeding, which I didn't want to take but did for 5 months, and my primary out me on 500mg of metformin a day to see what it could do for me (my insulin is in normal range but at the high end). Anyways, my gyn told me I don't ovulate bc of my pcos and weight issue and no reproductive drugs like clomid would help until I lost the weight. So for 5 months I played it her way. But the bc me sick, and we really want a baby. So I stopped everything in July but the metformin. I then started charting my BBT, CM, and took ovulation tests. I know they say people with PCOS can't take ovulation tests bc their hormones are all over the place but dang it, I think I ovulated this month lol. I took Clearblue Advances OPK and I got low fertility for 3 days, high for 2, then peak the next day. Is there anyone that can give me input on this? I'm so mad at my doctor for not helping me and yea I could stand to lost some weight but I know it's not everything. We've been trying for 2 years and I just don't know what to do anymore :-(