Any advice?


I have a beautiful 3 month old baby girl! My husband and I love her to pieces! But it seems to me like she cries a lot more than other babies that are about the same age nearby us. She is just learning to smile and giggle, but she doesn't know how to put herself to sleep especially in the stroller. She HATES car rides and screams at the top of her lungs every time we need to go anywhere.

One of my other friends has a girl also who *ironnically* was born on the same day. She smiles for every picture and whenever she is around others she is all happy and giggly while our daughter is a bit afraid of others and looks like she gets overwhelmed.

Is there any way to calm her or figure out if something is wrong? She is a handful when we go places and she only is calm and happy when she is at home. She doesn't like to be put down anywhere and I end up holding her basically the entire time we are out. If we go out for a few hours she won't nap, if she falls asleep in my arms and I put her down to sleep she wakes right up.

Are there any special tricks to help her learn to like the car seat and stroller? Any tricks to get her to fall asleep in public? Anything on how to figure out how to help her become a happy baby?


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