Does my dream mean anything? LONG STORY


Long story short my horoscope (this person is always 💯%. right spot on) said beware of my dreams there are hidden messages in them.

Now obviously some horoscopes don’t apply to every person of the same sign only some.

Well I currently woke up and I dreamt about a current friend in disguise who is trying to do me harm so I moved/sat away from her at another table next to my “use to be crush” and she just disappeared in the dream.

Well my crush kept on wanting to talk to me but Couldn’t. Next thing I’m sitting next to 3 girls who Hated me. And again scenes just switched out of nowhere. This time I was with my sister and my use to be crush came over, my sister disappeared as well. And my crush tried sitting next to me/talking to me but I didn’t want to.

THIS HAPPENED IN THE SAME ROOM like a classroom which is strange because not only have I not seen this “crush since 5 yrs ago but I’m also not in school I graduated last yr from high school.

I’m in the process of returning but doing online classes. He lives where I use to live and it’s only 20-30 minutes apart.

Well In 8th grade I had my chance to speak to him but I blew it. He kept staring at me, trying to get me to talk in the hallways. Instead I would ignore and fast walk to my class b/c his friends where my bullies I thought he was the same also I was very very shy and nervous.

One of my friends asked him if he liked me in the cafeteria with his girlfriend sitting next to him and he turned very pink/red. Ppl told my friend he has a gf and mine said idgaf I’m trying to put them together. This “crush” eventually broke off his relationship with his 4-5 yr gf. After that he practically dated any girl for 2-3 months then call it off.

I use to be so obsessed over him from 8th grade to 12th ish and I realized it was so stupid 😂😂 it was a bad habit so I let it go I stopped all the stocking etc.

Anyways does this dream mean something or am I just overthinking this. This was unexpected.

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