Took mediciation then forgot i took medication previously.



Ive been sick for about 6 days now with a cold and ive been taking the tylenol everyday for cough/nose congestion.

Well earlier i had a headache so i took the ibuprofen (2 tablets) and maybe 30-40 mins later i took the daytime (yellow side) tylenol (2 capsules) for my cough. And not long after that i began experiencing chest pain, not stabbing/shooting pain but just enough pain to be uncomfortable.

Before i had taken the tylenol i had completely forgotten i even took ibuprofen.

Do i need to worry or will i be okay? Lol

I took the medications probably almost 1hr & 1/2 ago now.

The tylenol says to not use with any other medications that contain acetaminophen, which the ibuprofen dosent. The bit of chest pain is all im Experiencing so am i fine or should i worry? Thanks in advance.

I just cant believe I completely forgot i guess since ky headache went away.