I'm losing hope


The past year and a half has been rough. I done a laparoscopy and found out I had endometriosis and she scraped it out but said my tubes were blocked. I went to a specialist and she did hsg and determined in fact my tubes were blocked. We scheduled another surgery. She found 3 cyst in my fingers on tubes and removed them along with more endometriosis. She said she also got dye through my tubes and they were open but we have to start immediately trying before they block again. Month one. Took femera and nothing. Month 2 took higher dose of femera and nothing. Month 3 switched to clomid. Nothing. Month 4 took clomid and had ultrasound to determine follicles and did trigger shot. And here I am with af. I'm struggling feeling like a failure of a woman. I'm 30 years old. I want a family. I talked to my husband last night and finally cried it out. I don't know if I want to continue with these medications and injections or start considering <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> which starting next year my insurance will start to cover. I'm tired. Anyone going through the same please share your experience. It's hard for me to talk to my husband about this.