TMI warning


Okay so the first three pics are from yesterday

And the next three are from today

So I went to the hospital on Thursday November 1st afternoon I was bleeding and thinking I was having a miscarriage doctors ran a pee test blood test for my HGC levels they were in the high 2000 level and they did a vaginal ultrasound and an Abdominal ultrasound and both of the ultrasounds showed that I still have a sack for the baby but it was to early to see the baby and detect a heartbeat since they said I was measuring at five weeks and my cervix was closed. The doctors think I could be having a reaction to the babies blood since I am a B negative and my husbands a positive so they gave me a shot and they said it should help boost my immune system so that way I don’t reject the baby but they still don’t know why I am bleeding and I’ve now been bleeding since Thursday no cramping no severe pain and blood is a lot lighter than my normal. Could be because on my normal. I’m usually changing my pad or tampon every 30 minutes since I have really heavy periods. Has this happened to anyone and have they still had a successful pregnancy I am 19 and my husband and I really want this baby so I just wanna know if everything’s OK and if this is normal thanks for the help