When to try again?


So this time I made it to 12 weeks. At the 12 week scan no heartbeat though and I ended up miscarrying naturally a few days later. My due date was supposed to be the 2nd May.

I’m okay. But now the question that plagues me is when to try again. My partner wants to try straight away, and to an extent, I do too. But we’ve booked our wedding date for the August and if I were lucky enough to fall straight away the due date would be awfully close. I don’t mind being pregnant at my wedding, but do I want to be due at any moment? Or have just had a baby?

Really I think I’m overthinking it. Just try and see what happens I suppose. What will be will be. We want this baby so bad. And I might not fall straight away. I just keep reading about the alleged increased fertility in the few months following a miscarriage and feel I should be taking advantage.