Advice and opinions welcome


Hi, I'm a first time mom currently 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant with a baby girl. I had a prenatal appointment this past Thursday. The ob/gyn checked my cervix and informed me that i was 3 cm dilated. I also had an ultrasound that revealed that my mucous plug was no longer there. The baby is head down and ready to come out !😊 He told me that he doesn't expect me to be pregnant past this following week! He wants to see me this Monday rather than waiting the full week. My question to y'all is: how far do I have to be dilated to be sent to the hospital? I'm a nervous wreck, but I'm very excited to welcome my little girl into this world! I would like some pointers on how to prepare for labor and any other advice y'all might have for me. Thank you in advance.