STRECH MARKS!! These 3 on my abdominal area and they BURN and ITCH sooooo bad, what can I do for these? Anyone else get stretch marks in weird spots??


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Posted at
Sarna lotion is all I use for itch, it’s camphor/menthol and MAGIC. I only ever get stretch marks under the belly and usually they show up when I LOSE the weight, not during pregnancy 😑 — they’re genetic so no helping or preventing that but sarna is great for irritation, I also have the pine tar soap which is awesome for PUPPS itch so I assume it would help your situation too


Posted at
I got one of those during my first pregnancy. Exact same spot lol. It never went away. I would smother it with a super thick lotion like twice a day to relieve the pain. Sometimes I would put a napkin or cloth on top so there wouldn't be any friction. It was always itchy and burnt. Now that I'm pregnant again it's actually been bothering me less for some reason. I'm just glad i didn't get another one.


Posted at
I have the EXACT SAME problem right now! Cannot stand it. I've tried Frankincense Essential Oil and a coconut oil based stretch mark ointment, but neither seems to help the itch. 😔


Posted at
Have you got any baby oil? That's lovely on the skin. Or bio oil? Xx


Posted at
I've been lathering on the raw coconut oil melt from Bath and Body Works morning and night. It has kept my stomach and boobs so moisturized a s supple I only have 2 stretch Marks on my live handles because I never thought to go that far to start with. It's worth a try. I wish you luck girl!