
So I started birth control in September!! During my placebo week I had the most awful period EVER... I’ve always been super light and this one was SUPER heavy! I was literally going though tampons and paid within hours.. anyway I couldn’t take it any longer so after the excruciating week and a half my boyfriend and I decided that BC wasn’t the right contraceptive for us! We ended up having intercourse three days later.. according to my ovulation chart I ovulated! Oct. 2nd to be exact... after a week I noticed my boobs starting to feel sore! About a week after that my tracker stated that my cycle was due but it never came.. what did come was 3-4 days of random brownish spotting.. very sticky! But since then ive been having crazy symptoms of pregnancy! Random back spasms, swollen feet and hands, nausea, light colored urine not very frequent but more than I usual go, constipation, insomnia ... and the list keeps going!But I’ve only gotten negative results.. Thursday was the day that I started to feel very bloated and I still do as we speak! Has anyone gone through this??? My app say that I’m 18 days late... thinking about going to get a blood test done Tuesday