Why am I not worth it?

Why am I not worth being off of his phone at the dinner table?

Why am I not worth helping me around the house?

Why am I not worth helping with our daughter?

Why am I not worth coming to bed at night with?

Why am I not worth picking up after hisself?

Why am I not worth him having ever changed a diaper, made a bottle, or put her to bed? She’s 14 months btw.

Why am I not worth wanting to spend time with?

Why am I not worth him being off of his phone after the baby is asleep, so we can watch a movie or just talk?

Why am I not worth it to him?

I just made dinner alone, ate in quiet while he watched YouTube videos, cleaned up after all of us, put my daughter to bed alone, showered alone, and now I’m in bed alone. He’s still on his phone. AGAIN. Every day.

I’m so lonely. :( I’m a stay at home mom to our babygirl, Doug my best to raise her right, keep her happy, and make him happy. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for him to give me any attention. I literally wait for him to get home and talk because I love him that much, and I’m treated like he doesn’t care.