A friend said this...

I am a work from home mom. I worked 40 hour onsite job before my twins. I was a stay at home mom until we put them in daycare. Now I found something that I can do from home. Working or not, how many ever number of kids, once you become a mom, 2 hands and 24 hours are never enough!!

So, I have toddler TWINS. My husband works full time. I get a lot of help from him. I was talking to this lady and said he in fact does everything, bathe them, feed them dinner and put them to bed. And she snapped back "what do you do? Sit and look pretty?" I was taken aback. I just said "there is so much other stuff to do!". If I sat and looked pretty, who does dishwasher? How does my husband has a clean underwear and an ironed outfit to wear to work? How are there 2 sets of pants, tees, jackets, socks, diapers and wipes ready in the morning? How are there even matching socks for the family? How is breakfast table and dinner table filled with fresh homemade food? How am I not stinking? How am I making money? How are the toys and daily reports in their places and my house is not a mess? How do we have clean towels, sheets, comforters and kids have clean PJs to wear (2 sets of pjs every night). How do we never run out of diapers or wipes or baby shampoo and have last minute store runs? How does the house not stink of diapers? HOW ARE THE KIDS COMING HOME EVERY DAY?

I am very organized and my family has peaceful mornings. No rush, no forgetting keys nothing. We don't look for socks or wallets or keys. Everything is there. Because I make sure it's there. And at the end of the day, I don't even look pretty lol. I take a shower, open the door, smile, put on my husbands favorite tv show and make some tea for him.

Of all the people, she should understand this. She raised her kids too.

In my defense, my husband did say "I wish she would sit and look pretty, but no. She doesn't sit still. She works hard". We have a great understanding. Neither him nor I have any complaints about how we share our household and family responsibilities.

I am not super upset or anything but this thought crossed my mind - should I stop telling people how we manage our household? Do they understand and believe that we are first time parents, yet we have figured out a way to live OK and manageable lives? I know not everyone thinks that way but what if they do and assume I sit and eat chips and watch Netflix all day? Not overreacting at all, just asking what you all think. Thank you!