7 weeks but scared

So I’m a first time mommy, I’m currently 7 weeks and have my first prenatal appointment on Monday but I’m scared of having an ultrasound and them find nothing. I’ve been taking my prenatal pills faithfully, sore boobs, gassy, morning sickness throughout the entireeeee day but I’m still a bit nervous

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I know this fear all too well. After my miscarriage.. Went for an ultrasound this pregnancy and I was a wreck. My doctor asked if i was nervous.. like .. YES. The baby was 100% fine. Try to relax and think positive thoughts!! ❤️❤️


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I was the same. I was soo nervous before my scan but everything is just fine and little nugget is right on track. Try to stay positive and think that the baby will be there! I know it's hard. After you see your baby and see/hear the heartbeat your chance of miscarriage goes down to 10-15%.


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I was meant to be 7 weeks and went for a dating scan but she said I was 5w 3d and could only see the sac. Don’t be alarmed or worried if they don’t see much or you date earlier x


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Girl I found out at 4 weeks I was pregnant and had to wait until 10 weeks to be seen! If they don’t see anything I could just be too early to tell! Don’t get stressed out!!