TMI vent


So the last couple of weeks going #2 has been very excruciating to the point sometimes I’m tears. So went to a specialist and found out I have 2 chronic anal fissures aka 2 tears in my butthole 😩😩 so basically doc gave me a cream to help promote blood flow to the area to help it heal .. or I have to have surgery to fix it. So now as a I just had a bowl movement and I’m sitting here in constant pain that’s gonna last a few more hours .. then feel better .. than have a bowl movement and feel awful all over again .. this is my 3rd baby and I would have to say this recovery has been the hardest .. as he was my biggest at 9.7 ..all I wanna do is feel better and not be in pain and be anxious ... just very emotionally draining 😩 sorry for the long vent ..