My period is changing?


My periods used to be around the same time every month, give or take 4-5 days.

Always 6 days, very light cramping.

My period regulated like this when I was around 15. From age 15-20, I’d say this was the norm.

Starting around 20-21, my periods started becoming more spaced out, and my cramps became very strong.

I’m 22, and they’re now happening like, 45-50 days apart. 6-8 weeks apart. Some months even get skipped.

My period lasts for 2-4 days now, and I get less cramping than I did at age 15. Heavy bleeding day 1, light bleeding day 2, bleeding is ending day 3, sometimes goes into day 4.

I’m currently at day 41 of my cycle and still haven’t gotten it.

Is this a sign of something wrong?

Why is my period changing this drastically?