I need advice...

Jasmine • 26 💗 happily taken by my love of 3 years💍 mommy to veya 👶🏽❤️

Okay so my boyfriend and I are having a few problems right now. We both feel as if neither of us do enough. He works 40+ hours a week and supports us and pays our bills. But we are currently downsizing to sharing an apartments with my sister bc we are both in nursing school and its just easier to focus on school and our babies rather then working. So bills will be cut in half between my boyfriend and her husband. (They also agreed to this) the reason I mention this is bc I’m constantly having this held over my head. That he makes money and pays the bills whenever I need anything from him like some support. My boyfriend and I have a 6 week old daughter. Who I’m currently a stay at home mom with until next month when I return to school. But even then I will be home with her during the day. I take on the night shift with our baby because he works. But even during the day he doesn’t help much. I have to beg him to help which then turns into an argument about how he works all day and is tired. Everyday he complains that he’s tired. I get it. I am exhausted too. No I’m not working 40 hours but I was a month ago and also going to school full time while being pregnant. He acts like I don’t get that he’s tired but I do. And I guess I feel the same as him. He thinks all I do is sit at home all day with the baby and be lazy. From the time we wake up and until the time we go to bed and also during the night I have her. I’m taking care of her. I’m also cleaning, and cooking for us as well. ( which all of you with children should understand how hard it is trying to keep a baby satisfied and do other things at the same time) Recently we have fault so much that I finally stopped asking for help bc when I do he just gets mad and go to the room and goes to bed. But I’m miserable I’m going through postpartum depression and anxiety and I’m falling apart. I just want him to take her for 30 minutes a day, just change her, feed her, rock her. But he won’t. And when he does he gets mad at me. I literally have to put her into her rocker in the bathroom while I take a shower. I understand I’m not working but WE made her together. I feel as though I should have some help without getting bitched at bc of it. And I know he feels that I shouldn’t ask him for anything when he’s working all day. But I’m not going to get any better being stuck under her 24/7. I just want to heal not only physically but mentally as well. Basically I just want to know how should we handle this problem without fighting. I want things to work out for us. I want us to be able to see each other’s side. I feel like I see his more then he does me. But I’m not looking on the outside in. He is a great boyfriend and dad. He will take her on his time (which is hardly) but I need him to help on mine as well. I enjoy taking care of her, but i need to make myself better to be better for her. I know they say a baby will either break you or bring you closer together and I want us to be closer. I want to make him happy and I want him to make me happy. I just feel like right now we are acting like kids thinking that one is being unfair to the other. I don’t want to throw the blame on him bc I’m not in his shoes I don’t know how he feels. I just know how I feel and I feel like I’m losing it. I have told him this. I need help y’all.