Possible PCOS? My Story

Hi everyone. My name’s Cassie, I’m 23 and have a stressful career in the professional services industry (yuk). Not formally diagnosed with PCOS although my GP is convinced I have it. I just wanted to share my story and get your thoughts if possible, ladies ☺️ Apologies in advance for the long post.

For my entire period-life, my period has ALWAYS come on the day it’s due according to app predictions. I’ve also felt ovulation pain on the day it’s predicted. This all changed 3 months ago.

I was one day late and freaked out thinking I was pregnant - reasonable, as my period has never come a day early or late in my life. Well it came 4 days late strangely enough. I had also been experiencing some sharp, some dull pains in my left side throughout the month, similar to my ovulation pain but more intense.

In month 2, I experienced more pains in my left side, and was feeling very weak and lethargic. Due to my high stress job working on multiple concurrent clients, i was working overtime and well into the night early in the cycle. In the week before I expected my period to come, I became very sick with a virus that rendered me bedridden for two weeks with a high 42 degree (Celsius) fever. My period was 14 days late.

My doctor suggested I start monitoring my ovulation for the current month (month 3). I used the clear blue advanced OPK. I started testing on day 10 of my cycle. I had a solid smiley. And I had a solid smiley every day for 8 days until my predicted ovulation date. The day after my last solid smiley, i had some abnormal bleeding - I’d say it’s heavier than spotting but much lighter than a period. This bleeding lasted for 5 days. I kept having constant pain in my left side throughout the month. My period is now 9 days late.

I just wanted to add that I’m definitely not pregnant-

And after my consult with my doc, she heavily suspects PCOS and has given me a script to undergo a pelvic ultrasound in the coming days.

I’m a little worried about these symptoms and the possibility of having PCOS.

Please feel free to leave some comments or your own stories, particularly with your diagnoses and experiences leading to the diagnosis. I really look forward to hearing from someone! ❤️