Does sex feel different once you get pregnant?

🌻Italya🌻 • I’m Italya...🌙29yrs old...Engaged...💍Leona Laurie Whitmore 12·9·19 👧🏽/ Gianni Lino Whitmore 02•06•23👶🏽…Baby dust to all...✨

So I am currently around 10 days late on my period but I haven’t tested yet I’m going to get one tomorrow but my question is and something I’ve wondered before is does sex feel different once you get pregnant and has any one ever gotten a stomach ache after sex in their first trimester...because this has never happened to me before...when we first started having sex today as soon as he started moving my stomach was feeling really weird and now after sex it’s aching and I feel bloated but no cramps though...I’m just wondering if it has ever happened to anyone before and is it dust ladies ☺️💜😘

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