Which of these is the best idea for holiday shopping days?

Manda 🦈 • Staying home is the new going out. And stop inviting people over... stay home with the people you actually live with. 😷

For those who are not familiar with these days...

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when stores typically open at ridiculous hours and have huge “doorbuster” sales to draw big crowds. Years ago it used to be that the stores opened at 5am, but now many of them are open on Thanksgiving Day.

Small Business Saturday is the day after Black Friday. It’s meant to promote local brick and mortar stores and supporting those community merchants. American Express used to offer rebates to any customers who purchased through registered small businesses. (They might still do that- I’m not sure.)

Cyber Monday is the following Monday... all the crazy online deals.


I will admit that I LOVED the old Black Friday shopping. Getting up early and seeing everyone out and festive and getting great deals was my favorite holiday shopping day. But I hate that the stores are now open so early (some even being open on Thanksgiving Day.) I don’t think employees should have to give up time with their families on a holiday so that I can buy $3 DVDs at Target.

I’m trying to support Small Business Saturday this year.

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