My girlfriend and I are taking a break 😓

So for some time things with my girlfriend have been on and off. We’ve been fighting a lot and things have become unhealthy. I’ve tried everything to try and fix the situation but it seems like all my efforts just push her further away! I ask her for two things: affection, and appreciation. She gives me neither and I do so much for it out the kindness of my heart! I love her so much and she’s just been so cold and angry towards me lately. She hasn’t kissed me in weeks and not to mention the fact that she barely lets me hug her or be too close to her. She never posts about me or talks about me to anyone, it makes me feel like a bother to her. She doesn’t even smile when she sees me anymore. I think maybe we’ve grown too close and spent too much time together. She recently broke up with me/ asked for a break which I admit we both have said to each other but never went through with. This time I packed all the clothes she had at my house and I’m planning on bringing them to her soon. I just feel so hopeless! We’re also leaving for college in 9 months and we most likely won’t be at the same school. She’s so mean and cold, idk if I even know who she is anymore. It’s become toxic for me and idk how to handle this situation. We both always say we’ll stay apart then she shows up at my house to see my mom bc their relationship is great and her household is rocky so I don’t wanna take my mom from her. I just want space for her to miss me again, for her to want me again, to want to kiss me again😔. I give her everything I have to offer and all I get back is anger and disrespect. She’s never been this way before and I’m worried she’s changed permanently. Before she’s my girlfriend, she’s my best friend and I’m afraid to lose her for good. HELP! Any tips on how to handle this?