Radiation exposure in early pregnancy

I am 29yrs old and am 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow with my second child.  My son is 18 months old.  I have a pacemaker and had to have the battery replaced last Monday.  I was day 25 in my cycle.  At that time the pregnancy blood test came back negative and we were not trying to get pregnant so I had no reason to question the negative.  During the procedure they use radiation to guide the wires into the heart.  I also has multiple chest X-rays, pain meds, anesthesia and anti nausea meds.  I'm religiously 26 days and never late.  By day 28 I was concerned but assumed it was from stress or the anesthesia threw my body off.  I took a test bc I had one and was paranoid. Lo and behold- POSITIVE!  I took another 2 and they were positive.  Called my OB to explain the situation bc I was scared of what I had exposed the baby to. They told me to get another blood test bc given I had a negative blood test it was likely false positive urine tests bc of stress. I went to the dr and took another urine and blood test. BOTH POSITIVE with an HCG of 297.  I am DEFINITELY pregnant.  My OB is optimistic that bc of how early things were that everything should be fine.  They are retesting my HCG tomorrow to make sure things are rising appropriately.  I feel good, mild cramping and increased cm but no spotting.  It's early so I'm just praying through every day.