So much stress!

I had my baby girl mid October (had to be induced because she was too comfy in there!)

Her father wasn't in the picture until I reached 8.5 months in my pregnancy. After she was born he wanted to meet her. He came to the hospital the day after she was born and spent maybe an hour and a half and that was it.

After that like every single day he was like I miss you and our daughter I want to spend more time with you both kind of thing. We live far apart from each other (we weren't even really dating when we fell pregnant). I told him I don't plan on driving for the first little while with a newborn. He was like ok fine I'll make the time and come to you. He came out last Saturday, spent maybe half an hour and then left. All this week he was like I want to see my baby girl. I was like ok and gave him some dates and times because this past week was super busy with specialist appointments and such. I would say how about Tuesday evening and he'd be busy. I said Wednesday morning. He said it was inconvienent. I suggested Friday all day. Didn't get a response and the next day he was like I miss her and I feel like I'm not allowed to see her. I suggested today. No answer. And hes off on weekends. Am I wasting my time? Like does he want to be involved or not? I don't really care if he's involved or not. It's no loss to me. But I hate how I make suggestions and he says no or doesn't answer and then complains how he doesn't get to see her. He's seen her twice and she's just 3 weeks old now. And he's said to me before how it's not fair how he's only seen her twice and I get to spend every single day with her. I'm like ummmm so come see her. Then it's like you live too far. I'm like oh my gosh. Eye roll.