What the hell is this???

Brittany • Mommy to 3 beautiful babies. 2012•2014•2017

Okay ladies, I don’t usually post and I know this is going to sound ridiculous and I realize I won’t get official results from answers I get, BUT I figured until I could get into a doctor I’d get some advice! So I was due to start my period today, I have my tubes burned and had that done about 2 years ago after I gave birth to my third baby. Well, obviously thinking I was protected for the most part, my husband and I have not used protection. I am only 1 day late so not trying to jump the gun, but I bled on cycle day 19, not enough to fill a pad, didn’t think much of it as it was right after sex and was coming up with all conclusions it could be. Fast forward to today, no period, but I have milk I can Express from both boobs... I haven’t had this since obviously my last pregnancy. I took a test a couple days ago just to make sure as I was feeling off but it was negative... considering calling the doctor on Monday but don’t want to sound stupid. Has anyone had this?? And what happened if so??