How long until your nipples stopped hurting...?

LO is 11 days old and breastfeeding like a champ. I’m producing well, she’s gaining well, everything about breastfeeding is going wonderfully...except the nipple pain.

We had a poor latch the first couple days, but we fixed it with the help of an LC pretty quickly. I think my nipples were just already damaged and haven’t been able to fully heal since then. I’ve been rubbing in breast milk, which helps, and letting hot water from the shower run over them, but every time she latches, the pain almost brings me to tears for the first probably 10 seconds.

I love breast feeding. I swear, if it didn’t hurt so badly, I’d let her be on the boob 24 hours a day and not care a bit. But it makes me feel so horrible that every time I know she’s hungry, I dread latching her on because I know it’s going to hurt so much.

How long did it take for that initial pain to go away for you, mommas? I’ve heard it can be a few weeks...I could just use a little encouragement that it’s going to get better.