Not enjoying motherhood 😭

I am having a hard time ladies. My LO is 2 weeks old and I am having a break down.

I just feel like a failure of a mom. I have been trying to breastfeed but I dont seem to be making much milk so I am also bottle feeding formula. She is always hungry and always crying for more. It breaks my heart. But I am trying so hard! I feed her on each breast for 30 min before going to the bottle. But then I spend majority of my day in a dark room nursing all by myself. It's so lonely. I hate it. It hurts my back and my nipples. I cry sometimes it hurt so bad.

I just wish I was enjoying this more.

I have horrible anxiety of her waking up. I am constantly stressed and exhausted.

And to top it off, she has a horrible diaper rash that I am trying so hard to help with no relief!!! I keep changing her diaper as much as possible and using a butt paste on it but it's so red and chapped. Its breaking my heart.

This is so hard!!