Sad day today

I went for a scan on 23/09/18 I could see the sac & the yolk. Didn’t have any pregnancy symptoms, nor any bleeding etc. so I booked in another scan for today 04/11/18. So heart broken there’s no heartbeat, I should be 10 weeks 6 days. Baby stopped growing at 6 weeks 1 day. That’s the measurement from today. My body still thinks I’m pregnant but sadly I’m not. 😢

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Posted at
I’m so very sorry, hon. I had a similar experience. I went in at around 8 weeks and my baby only measured 6 weeks and had no clue the baby stopped growing/died until I was around 12 weeks. I had no signs of a miscarriage whatsoever. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever been through. Hang in there and BIG hugs.


Elaine • Nov 5, 2018
I hope you post pictures it will be lovely to see. Xx Thank you for your kind words.


JG • Nov 5, 2018
Don’t give up, mama. I’m 38 and will be having a baby boy in 8 days.


Elaine • Nov 4, 2018
It is hard. I’m sorry to hear you had the same. This is my first pregnancy don’t know if I want to put myself though it again. It took us 14 months to conceive plus I’m 42. So my age doesn’t help. X


Posted at
Prayers and love ❤😭


Elaine • Nov 6, 2018
Thank you x


Posted at
The same thing happened to me. I was supposed to be 10 weeks and the ultrasound showed it stopped growing at 5 weeks. One dr couldn't find anything on the ultrasound. The next day, I went for another ultrasound at a different dr. He took one look at the ultrasound and had me scheduled for an emergency d&c. It was one of the worst days of my life.


Elaine • Nov 6, 2018
I had a feeling something wasn’t right but as it’s my first I thought I was a lucky one not having morning sickness. So sorry you had the same, it’s awful thinking that got the past 5 weeks I’ve been grinning like a Cheshire Cat. But all the while it had sadly died. I’m at the hospital this morning I’m hoping the private scan was incorrect, but I know she’s not. I’m not sure what they are going to do/say. X Good luck for the future. Xx


Posted at
It happened to me too! I went in at 8 weeks, baby had stopped at 6. They said wait so my body continued to believe it was pregnant for two more weeks until they gave me a pill! So sad!


Posted at
I am very very sorry for your loss. However hard the things may seem, time is powerful and heals everything. Stay strong. And I am sure a little hundle of joy will arrive in your life soon! ❤️ and Prayers!


Shikha • Nov 4, 2018
Sorry for the typo. Meant bundle ❤️


Elaine • Nov 4, 2018
Thank you x


Posted at
I’m very sorry about your sudden loss like this. I had that same thing on last weekend and it was truly awful. No ER doctors had any idea when the baby stopped growing while I was twelve weeks. It was truly devastating for my bf and I but we are hanging in there together.


Elaine • Nov 4, 2018
That’s all we can do. It’s so sad. Good luck for the future x