Last time I saw my baby

Emily • Mother to my son Bentley and daughter (on the way) Ava Marie 💕

So I dont know if this is just my doctor or what but the last time I had an ultrasound with my doctor was at 7 weeks and my next ultrasound appointment is at 21 weeks. I did cheat and go to a gender prediction facility that insurance doesnt pay for at 14 weeks to see my baby. Is this unusual? I really get the vibe from my doctor that she doesnt care or is just too relaxed and I am a first time mom so all my questions she says you dont need to worry about that now. I have the best insurance through kiaser you can possibly get but I also feel like there should be more ultrasound appointment instead of just 10 minute talks and hear my baby for a minute.

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That is normal. First US was 8 wks. Next is 20 wks. I am ok with that. I heard the HB at every appt.


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Yeah my Dr is the same, I had my last US at 8 weeks and they were wanting me to wait until like 20 weeks to find out the gender but that's entirely too long so I went to an outside place and found out at 15 weeks lol.


Emily • Nov 5, 2018
Thats what I did too


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A lot of the times your insurance doesn’t cover them, and if the doctor has no “need” to ultrasound, then they don’t.

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Pretty normal, I had my first at 8 weeks, I'll have my next at 20 weeks and my last at 32 weeks :)


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Same here but my doctor totally went ghost on me. I was calling them and all they said was oh you’re okay remind you I’m considered high risk because I had open heart surgery when I was kid. Eventually there was just no communication for weeks and I decided to switch my doctors back. Only changed doctors because I moved but I rather drive an hour to see my doctors that care than to have a doctor 20 mins away that clearly doesn’t care. Last time I heard my baby heart beat was at 8 weeks with them. Currently 16 weeks and heard it again with my old doctors office. Was so relieved!


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It varies with dr and insurance. When I got back day before Thanksgiving I will be 20wks this will be my 4th ultrasound on that day. I've had one at every appt so far 8wk,12wk 16wk but I paid for 16wk one and I will have one at 20wks after that I think I may get one more toward the end to check for growth but I can pay for 3d us at 28wks


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That's the norm for most places. You get one ultrasound to confirm a healthy viable pregnancy in the beginning weeks then it's usually just a short checkup to hear the heart beat. Most doctors won't do another ultrasound until 20ish weeks when they do the anatomy scan. After 20 weeks you most likely won't get another.


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No. Doctors try to avoid ultrasounds unless there's a concern.