Just need advice

I have been with someone over 2 years .. we were inseparable, I mean he was my best friend. We talked about marriage and he is 11 years older than me. So we decided to have our baby first .. we were so excited .. fast forward to me being 6 months pregnant .. everything has changed. We don’t talk .. he complains and says he wants his best friend back .. because I can’t drink and don’t have the energy to do much .. we have argued everyday and now we are not together. Every time I talk to him my blood pressure goes up because it seems as if I am the only one taking it serious. He goes to his friends and tries to make himself seem as if he is the good man and I am the one with the problem he even got caught out there with another girl and she sent me all the messages and word got around town so everyone is disappointed in him and he hates it . So I am at the point that I want to cut all conversation with him during the pregnancy but I am hearing it is wrong for me to do it ! But this man hasn’t been to none of my appointments or put effort into it . To keep me sane would it be ok to cut all communication until the baby comes ? I just need help as to what I should do .. never thought it would get here .