Work problems

Kay • ❤️Mommy to an angel in heaven❤️

I started a job two weeks ago and my motto was go to work and go straight home do not make friends or hang out with anyone because it’s always a problem. Long story short my training was for a week and half and listening to my cousin telling me to be nice I’ve met some really cool people or so I thought. I went out with a few of them for my birthday which was on Halloween. One guy who is 42yrs old “married” with two kids liked me (which I didn’t find out until the day of my birthday) but I shut that shit DOWN! Another guy who is 30yrs old started being aggressive and getting jealous that I was dancing with other guys I put him in his place. Sum it up they both pissed me off and I decided to leave them and go home. They both were texting me nonstop the day after my birthday and I ignored both of them, so at 4:44am this morning the 30yr old “girlfriend” called me from his number I finally answered and his bitch started yelling saying “leave my nigga alone” I laughed and hung up and blocked the number then she texted me from her number threatening me and my job mind you I just turned 29 last Wednesday and I’m so much mature than I was before I just laughed but when you threaten my job it’s a whole different story so since U wanna act like a little ass girl ima take the grown woman approach and I kindly called HR who I’m close with and told her EVERYTHING. She told me not to worry and she’s going to handle it. Normally I would’ve handled it MY WAY which would’ve been stooping down to her level finding her ass fucking her ass up and getting his ass fucked up. I’m just confused as to why tf she think I want him cus if she seen the messages and the DMs she would’ve seen me curving him and it’s 2018 if your nigga is “cheating” on you check ya nigga cus I can be a grown woman about things but the moment you come to my job or to me period thinking you’re going to start some shit I’m going to bash your head in. But I’m trying not to go that route I don’t care if I sound pussy or what I’m a grown fucking woman who has bills and goals I need to accomplish and I’m not trying to go back to jail for putting stitches in a bitch head. Everyone telling me I did the right thing by telling HR cus normally I wouldn’t had called my job at all but thinking about it just in case this bitch wanna pop up my job already know wassup I don’t put nothing behind anyone so I stay prepared. I just want peace in my life and this is exactly why I don’t like making new “friends” or hanging with people after work cus everyone in my generation is childish and cornballs and don’t know how to be adults. I hope HR handle this quick.