BFP! What We Did Differently & What I Noticed..


Hey there ladies!! I got my BFP today after TTC for 6 cycles. I stopped taking the pill at the end of March, after taking it for 10 years. We started in June (my husband was deployed & got back in June, or we would have started sooner), but I had two fertile weeks in September since I have 24-25 day cycles.

What we did differently:

For the past 2 cycles (end of September & mid October), I started using OPKs. I chose Clearblue Advanced Digital. The one that flashes on high fertile days & peaks with a solid smiley. According to the OPKs, my peak day was October 22nd. We had sex October 20th, 22nd, & 23rd. In September, we BDed the day before ovulation & we didn’t get an opportunity to after. Those tests show peak at 12-36 hours BEFORE ovulation so I wanted to BD on peak day & the day after peak just to be sure. Personally, I think BDing the evening I got my peak & the day after is what really helped!

We used preseed those three times during my cycle. I didn’t use the applicator. I put it on him right before he went in. I don’t know if it helped, but I like to think it did!

During the month of September & part of October, we both started taking 800 mg of Maca Root. I didn’t really notice a difference in my sex drive, but his sex drive definitely increased! We stopped taking it though because we both noticed bad acne. I read up on it, & a lot of people noticed bad acne too. The best thing to do is start with a low dosage & increase. We never started up again though because I wanted our acne to clear up completely before starting a low dosage.

On the evening I got my peak, I took a Mucinex DM. I took it for an actual stuffed up nose, but I’m thinking it helped loosen CM!

What I noticed:

For the past few days I have been extremely tired!! We did stay up all night on Friday after work to drive 17 hours, but after catching up on sleep, I’m still exhausted.

I’m really moody. We had sex last night & I felt like crying after! Nothing bad or embarrassing happened, I just felt a rush of emotion.

For the past 3-4 days, my boobs have been extremely sore. Ever since coming off the pill in March, I haven’t really had sore boobs before my period. I also noticed some red stretch mark looking marks around the outside of each of my boobs.

I also had very dull cramps around my front & lower back. I’ve noticed those for about 3 days.

Today I have a terrible headache. I don’t know if it’s caffeine withdrawal or hormones. Regardless, I’m going to have to cool it on the large coffees from Starbucks & Dunkin.

Acne along my jawline. I don’t know if this could be considered a symptom since I struggle with acne, but I’ve had quite the breakout on my jawline within the past 3 days.

After we got home from our road trip, I thought “What the hell, I’ll test. My period is due tomorrow. Close enough.” I put the test down right after dropping my urine in & walked out. I came back about 3 minutes later & there was a faint line!! As the minutes past, it got darker. 🤞🏼

All in all, it has been a roller coaster for the past 6 months! I was starting to worry something might be wrong. I know it isn’t that quick & easy for other couples, so I wanted to share my tips. If you’re struggling with infertility, I’m sorry you haven’t conceived yet & I truly hope you do soon. This app has really shed light on how many couples struggle to have a baby. I admire your patience & your strength!

Thank you for reading my post! Best wishes to those who are trying, or who are pregnant! 🤞🏼